have a wonderful week, my friend.

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, in contrast to its name, an actual poll, like with bit clicky buttons. It’s just a listing of five a lot more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). I like reading your answers, as well as it assists me get my week off to a great start.

1. exactly how skilled are you at utilizing chopsticks?

I won’t be winning the gold at the Chopsticks Olympics or anything, however I can hold my own. I can wield them adequately for sushi, rice as well as a lot of dishes, however noodles are rough, man!

2. exactly how commonly do you go to sleep with the TV on?

Never. We don’t have a TV in our space since it’s as well stimulating for me. I can’t do it.

3. What pertains to mind when you believe of ”eyebrows”?

Right now? incredibly sharp blocky Instagram brows, however only since we were speaking about them at the bakery the other day.

4. What pertains to mind when you believe of ”cabbage”?

Corned beef. LOL! as well as Cabbage patch Kids. as well as this dude my high institution good friend Cindy dated for, seriously, a day (she declares he smelled like cabbage, which is part of the reason she broke up with him).

5. explain your preferred sweatshirt.

Girlfriend, I’m using it ideal now. It’s a mauve sweatshirt by roam Beauty, as well as it states “Off Duty” in increased gold letters. It’s about two sizes as well huge for me, however it’s warm as well as incredibly comfortable, as well as I seriously online in it!

Sweet thang

Yet one more crucial concern for you: who wants CAKE FOR BREAKFAST?

(Hiya as well as delighted Monday, by the way.)

Italian cream cupcakes with cream cheese frosting
My mommy just recently turned 71, so we took her out to brunch to celebrate, as well as then we popped over to my home for dessert.


I made her Italian cream cupcakes, which were a hit with my fam-bam.

Have you had an Italian cream cake or cupcake before? If you haven’t, you have to get hold of a slice ASAP…and then get hold of one more as well as save it for breakfast the next morning. Ha.

Seriously! It’s the very best cake to have very first thing in the morning with coffee. It’s a fluffy butter-based cake with shredded coconuts as well as pecans, topped with a tangy cream cheese frosting… The light melt-in-your-mouth structure comes from whipped egg whites, which are folded into the batter. considering that it’s a butter-based batter, it’s a bit a lot more finicky as well as needs a lot more steps to make than an oil-based batter, so it takes as bit a lot more time as well as effort, however if you’re in the mood for it, it’s worth it.


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I published this recipe as a cake (rather than a cupcake), 10 years back right here on MBB (!), as well as it’s still one of my preferred cakes to this day.

Today’s my day off from the bakery, so I’ve got great deals of composing as well as makeup testing on my plate. Whatever you’re up to, I hope you get to simplicity your method in back into things. It’s hard getting back into a routine routine after the holidays, isn’t it?

Your friendly community appeal addict,



P.S. right here are the concerns to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. speak to ya soon.

1. exactly how skilled are you at utilizing chopsticks?
2. exactly how commonly do you go to sleep with the TV on?
3. What pertains to mind when you believe of ”eyebrows”?
4. What pertains to mind when you believe of ”cabbage”?
5. explain your preferred sweatshirt.

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