What you’ll many typically find in my gym bag — reputable lip balm, a good sunscreen, face wipes and, of course, my lock!
Health is something that typically gets lumped in with beauty, and for a while I’d been toying around with the idea of joining a gym. I’ve done a number of home workouts, the most recent being the Beachbody series, and I had some mild success with it, but at this point in my life, I really need to be at the gym. I need to get out of my head, and go back to the gym and delight in working out for myself.

Today I wanted to talk about the idea of wearing makeup at the gym and ask what you do. I’m personally staunchly against it, primarily because my skin would stage a coup. I have a tendency to break out even when I just rub my face the wrong way (I’m not even kidding!), so rubbing my face when it’s hot, sweaty, and full of makeup is just not an option for me.


But I understand the appeal of wearing makeup to the gym. On a recent check out I didn’t see too numerous done-up ladies, but I did see someone with fully done eyebrows (I could not even deal with that).

One of the things I find so aggravating is that women are typically pressured to be 110% on all the time, even when we’re just trying to get in a workout.

I understand the convenience. If you’re working out early in the morning, you can easily put on a little makeup before an easy workout and just head to work afterward.


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But numerous people feel that it’s terrible for your skin, and that you shouldn’t wear cosmetics that could clog your pores while you’re working out. Your body can’t cleanse itself of toxins if your pores are clogged by your favorite foundation.

So why do we do it? Insecurities, convenience, because we want to, or because we just don’t think it’s bad for us.


I’m still figuring out what my skin likes and needs from day to day, and I can say that while I’d encourage a girlfriend to go bare at the gym with me, I wouldn’t dissuade her from doing her thing if she wants to.

If I were to wear makeup at the gym, I’d have to take the route recommended by the makeup artist in this article. I’d choose some SPF (like the one I’m carrying in my gym bag), maybe a brow pencil, and some tinted lip balm, at the most.

What about you? have you ever worn a full face to your favorite class, or do you always go bare? are there any situations when you absolutely won’t wear any makeup at all? let me know!

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