locate and obliterate every last rogue lunch lady chin hair.
Yo, let’s get this straight. If you’re the type of person who’ll spend 45 minutes every night pouring over every pore in a magnifying mirror, stay far, far away from the $30 Tweezerman LED 15x Lighted Mirror, because you’ll never want to leave the house!

You can see freakin’ everything with it. It gives you hawk eyes. Every pore, every “experience line,” every rogue lunch lady chin hair that has so far eluded you. Tweezing is hella easy with this thing, too, and dare I say it — oh, so satisfying. nothing will be able to escape your tweezers.


And it purr-fectly fits in my paw
It’s a 15X magnification mirror with a built-in battery-powered florescent ring light and three section cups in the back to attach it to your restroom mirror if you want.

The ring light is pretty lame, though… I could do without it because the button is hard to get to, and the light is this unflattering greenish color that gives my face a Gollum-like pallor, so I just keep it off.

What’s an unsung hero? For me, it’s an often underrated makeup/beauty morsel, a permanent collection product that scoots under the radar screen of numerous charm lovers but frequently rocks my world. The long-running Unsung Heroes series features some of my favorites.

But the mirror itself is great, and the 15X magnification is much more than enough. When I’m plucking my brows, or — ahem! — my Magnum P.I. mustache (which looks like a shag carpet when I hold this mirror up to my face), I can see every hair, even the tiny, barely-there hairs that just sprouted up and I would have missed with a regular magnifying mirror.


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Pluck, pluck, pluck! before you know it, every one is gone, and your upper lip and lids are smoother than a baby’s bum.

I like holding this mirror while I pluck, because it perfectly fits in my paw. Sure, you can also suction it to a flat surface using the cups on the back, but I choose to relocation it around in my hand and check things out from different angles.

FYI, the intense magnification can be dizzying sometimes, so I try not to relocation the mirror too quickly; otherwise, I feel like I’m on the deck of a deep-sea fishing boat from Hades.

The cat tray is from Marshalls (and the mirror is reflecting a nearby purple piece of paper).


The Tweezerman 15X Magnification Mirror is $30, and you can find it at Macy’s.

Your friendly neighborhood charm addict,


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