You know how people say that everyone on earth has a secret doppelganger twin out there somewhere that they have no idea about?


I believe this universal condition of life also applies to secret makeup twins…but they aren’t, like, someone who does their makeup the exact same way as someone else. No, a “secret makeup twin” (yes, I’m coining the term right now) is someone who does makeup in a way that speaks to your soul, and whose looks you wish you could wear all the time. They do makeup that you would totally do yourself, if you could.

Short story long…I think I found mine, and she’s in Russia! and her name is Piminova. I found her on Instagram while I was looking for inspiration and new artists to follow.

Take the look at the top with the purple lids and the teal on the lower lash line…


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That teal! I love how low the artist takes the shadow, and how there’s a dark greenish gradient on the outer and middle lower lash line, which then ends with a bright pop of green in the inner corners.

MAN! That’s what I would wear today if I had four hours to put on makeup and nowhere to go, ha ha ha! because seriously, that’s how long it would take me to do this.

I’m sure Piminova can bust it out quicker, but no joke, half my day…

But everything about this look is exactly how I would try to handle it! I love how the model’s eyes are so “bah-BAM,” but the skin is even-toned, and yet aggressively contoured or highlighted.

I love the nude lip, too, and the hint of highlighter on her Cupid’s bow and the tip of her nose. and I love that her brows are brushed and bushy.

So good!

Here’s another look I love…

I like the pink lid glitter and how the dark green on her lower lash lines culminates in a bright yellow pop of golden yellow in the inner corner.

Again, a nude lip, and skin that isn’t overly contoured or highlighted.

And this one below has a different vibe, but I’m also digging it…

I love how the dark purple lip (how does she get her lines so crisp?) matches the winged liner. I think that’s super cool.

This next look has a kind of MAC Club vibe to it, and is that a cool-toned brown in the crease? I’d do that with MAC Wedge or MAC Soba…or maybe Wedge and Saddle?

This type of look is totally my jam. I’ve done versions of it many times, but not half as good as this.

Granted, I’ll probably have a new “makeup twin” next week because I’m fickle like that (Charlotte Tilbury has been my on-again, off-again makeup twin for a while now, ha ha), but let’s just say for now that Piminova from Chelyabinsk in Russia is mine.


Who’s your makeup twin these days?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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